*Accepting New Clients*
Radhika Barrett, Licensed Professional Counselor call | 504-407-5672 | radhikafcwc@gmail.com
We all have anxieties. We have defenses against the hurt that we build up over time, which become solidified into unproductive patterns of behavior and prevent us from living our best lives. We all, from time to time, lose connection with ourselves and those around us, as we try and do the million things that daily life demands of us. It’s okay. You’re not alone.
Let’s work together to untangle those racing thoughts, to create a calm and safe space for you to dive deep to figure out why it is you put up those defenses in the first place, and change the self-sabotaging patterns of behavior. Let’s work together to connect you with yourself and what really matters so that you can live the life you crave- the one with meaning, joy, and purpose.
Along with academic training from Marymount University in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, I bring a wide and deep life experience to the therapeutic process to meet you where you are. I am an immigrant with a deep appreciation for the work that goes into creating a new life in a new environment, a mother, an avid reader, a fledgling writer, and a die-hard optimist who believes in the enduring power of the human spirit.
I am supervised by Jessica Stoler, LPC. Please call me at (504) 407-5672, or email me at radhikafcwc@gmail.com to begin our collaboration.